
French Revolution Post #1

You have each been reborn into French society in the 1700s.  You are a peasant, urban worker, bourgeoisie, noble, clergy, or the King and Queen.  Respond as one of the following based on your last name: Peasants/ Urban Workers (A - D) Bourgeoisie (E - H) Noble (I - L) Clergy (M - P) Queen Marie Antoinette (Q - T)  King Louis XVI (U - Z) Respond in the voice of your new role.  What are your hopes for France?  What is your opinion of Enlightenment ideas?  What would you like to change and what would you like to stay the same.  Why and why not?  (This should be a minimum of 2 paragraphs) You must also reply to the post of at least ONE other person by telling them if you agree or disagree with their view for the future of France and why (Remember you are speaking in your character).  (This must be a minimum of 1 paragraph - don't just agree or disagree - JUSTIFY!) Please sign your post – Role/Name, i.e. Nob...

Revolutions Post

Due 2-11 at 10pm Write as one of the following:  Louverture, a grand blanc, a gen de coleur, a former slave, or Napoleon.    Character Based on Your Last Name: Louverture (A-E) A grand blanc (F-J) A gen de coleur (K-N) A former slave (O-S) Napoleon (T-Z) Discuss the successes  and  failures of the Haitian Revolution and respond to at least ONE other characters position.

French Revolution Blog Post #2

Due by 10pm on Friday, 1-24 Read the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen (located in packet) and post (as your social class): To what extent do you agree or disagree with these articles and why?  How do you predict they will affect change in France? Specifically reference AT LEAST 3 articles in your entry.  You must submit your original post (2 paragraphs min.) and comment on at least 1 other persons post (1 paragraph). Respond as one of the following based on your last name: Peasants/ Urban Workers (A - D) Bourgeoisie (E - H) Noble (I - L) Clergy (M - P) Queen Marie Antoinette (Q - T)  King Louis XVI (U - Z)